Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapy

I am pleased to offer trauma-informed clinical counselling hypnotherapy as an integrative tool to facilitate your healing journey. 

Trauma Informed

Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapy offers a trauma-informed approach to connect with your innermost wisdom at every stage of trauma work.  Skilled and competent hypnotherapy is a very effective way to work with trauma.


Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapy is an intervention that has been widely used and extensively validated by controlled research for:

  • Pain management
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Trauma related issues
  • Stress
  • Performance issues 
  • Plus other areas of psychotherapy.  

Integrated Practice:

Hypnotherapy is not a standalone therapy, it is a integrated practice to enhance and deepen what we are doing in psychotherapy, CBT or mindfulness, for instance.  It can look and feel like a standalone – but it is always framed within the context of the work in psychotherapy.  Examples include regression on a core belief or a hypnosis on a particular behavioural activation.

Types of interventions that we may draw upon in conjunction with clinical hypnosis include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Cognitive
  •  Behavioural
  • Psycho-Spiritual

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be defined as a trance (lower, slower brain wave) state of “inner absorption, concentration, and focused attention.”  Research shows that we go into a trance every 90 minutes naturally.  Examples of experiencing a natural trance state, you may have experienced at a movie, gardening or driving.   It can be like flow but flow is not negative self-hypnosis.  Individuals can be skilled at negative self-hypnosis – dissociating and giving yourself the same negative message through repetition.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can be defined as the utilization of a trance state to assist individuals in altering and/or deepening their awareness of thoughts, emotions, behaviours and perceptions. 

Book Now to integrate clinical counselling hypnotherapy into your sessions!

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